With the sunny spring day on Wednesday me and a fellow adk member Debbie decided to hike along the Niagara gorge. We started at the trailhead in Lewiston near Artpark and hiked to Devils hole and proceeded down the long cement staircase and along the lower gorge towards the whirlpool bridge. We made sure to keep the advised 6 foot social distancing throughout our hike and enjoyed our lunch on separate rocks basking in the sun and gazing at mighty churning of the Niagara. My dog Riley managed to mooch some hard boiled egg and chicken breast along with his doggy treats.
We headed back to the trailhead and noticed a greater amount of people all out and about surely feeling the cabin fever as well. We noticed the parking lots were full when heading back towards our separate cars of course. We enjoyed our 10 mile hike maintaining a safe distance. Riley dog jumped in the back seat fully exhausted tongue dangling and we waved farewell until our next adventure!
-Submitted by Maureen Rowley