Our cheerful group of 13 ADK-NFC hikers savored a warm Spring day in delightful Franklin Gulf County Park, one of WNY’s hiking gems. Formerly Larkin Woods, this undeveloped park is known for its quiet solitude, scenic ravines, and numerous waterfalls and creeks. We hiked about 4 miles on six different trails in a loop to provide an overview of the natural features and beauty of the park. We were treated to some lovely wildflowers, including Pink Lady’s Slipper Orchid, Painted Trillium, Canada Mayflower, Partridgeberry, and False Solomon’s Seal.
Our group included two individuals who had never hiked in this special park before. We also had some keen naturalists who feasted on the spring wildflowers and other natural wonders in the area.
An enlarged parking area, an updated map, and new trail markers are welcome recent upgrades to this unique destination.
– Janet and David Kowalski